Creating Your Own Ukulele Song Sheets with Chord Symbols

For a while I have been looking for an easy solution to my desire to create song sheets that include chord symbols.   I finally found something that will work well!   The Hobart Ukulele Group (H.U.G.) in Australia has posted chord symbol in ‘.jpg format on their Website at  To use a symbol with Word or another word processor:

  • find the symbol you want
  • right click on the symbol
  • either ‘copy’ (to ‘paste’) or ’save image as’ (to ‘insert’)
  • ‘paste’ or ‘insert’ the symbol in your document
  • you can resize the image by dragging the little corners (not the top or sides) OR if you want to be sure all symbols are the same size you can change the size to a specific size by right clicking and changing ‘format picture’ > ’size’ – type in the size.

You can also use’s ‘grabber’ (in Windows software or Foxfire add-on to change the image. Again, right click on the image at (H.U.G.) and then ‘right click’ and choose ‘pixlr’.

If you have trouble getting the image to go where you want it in relation to the text or other images change the ‘word wrap’ to ’square’.  To do that in Word, right click on the image and select ‘format picture’ > ‘wrapping’ > ’square’.

If you know of other great solutions please let me know.

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