Jim D’Ville is a master ukulele teacher. Check out his great Website – http://www.playukulelebyear.com/
The Circle of Fifths is a not an easy concept but will help your playing tremendously if you grasp it or at least part of it. Here are some notes I made while watching. Hopefully, they will help you pick it up.
Take your time. Watch it as many times as you can.
All the examples are in the key of C (beginning on the letter ‘C’). You could do the same beginning on any letter. If you were in the key of D you’d use the following line as ‘D=1, E=2, F=3, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
i ii iii iv V vi vii viii (usually written this way)
C > G = a fifth (five steps/letters)
G > D = a fifth
D > A = a fifth
Home – C
5th up – G
Dominant 7th – G7 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominant_seventh_chord
Home – C
The above chords are…
1 – v7 – 1 or
i – V7 – i
D G7 c
ii7 V7 i
Hawiaan Turnaround ii7 V7 i
C A7 D7 G7 C
i vi7 ii7 V7 i (Alice’s restaurant)
C E7 A7 D7 G7 C
i iii7 vi7 ii7 V7 i (Five Foot Two)