Find Chords for a YouTube Song via Chordify

If you see a song on YouTube that you like and want the chords, you can go to Chordify and paste the URL. It will show you the chord letters with the number of beats for each (Don’t remember them? You can click on ‘chords’ for a refresher view of

It will show you the chord letters with the number of beats for each (Don’t remember them? You can click on ‘chords’ for a refresher view of them.

Here is a beautiful Christmas song example *.

(* since I don’t have copyright priveleges I’m not revealing the name of the song. Sorry.)

Don’t worry if you don’t get each chord, just keep the melody going and most of all, have fun and enjoy the song!

This is the way a song will look. Click the ‘Play’ button to start the song and you’re off! shows chords of a YouTube, etc. song shows chords of a YouTube, etc. song

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